
Work area of Science Faculty


  1. Meeting sessions of the faculty

Academic council, department meetings, meeting of quality assurance committee in case of obligation and need, the general body meeting of the lecturers of the faculty.

    2 . Academic activities and cooperation with other faculties

There are different laboratories for academic and research work of the faculty members. Along with the field subject, the scholars of various departments of the faculty help in the teaching process of chemistry, math, physics, biology subjects in engineering, veterinary sciences, public administration and economic faculties.

  3 . Academic activities and capacity building:

Besides of teaching process, all the lecturers of the science faculty are busy in compilation, translation, and research works for their lectures as well as academic promotions and ranks.

Many of the lecturers are busy in studying masters in abroad.

4 . Conducting of workshops, conferences and seminars:

Scholars of science faculty regularly arrange conferences, seminars and workshops, as well they actively take part in national and provincial workshops, seminars, and briefings where they share their experiences with others and also learn from the experience of others. For the curriculum development and revision the faculty leaderships and academic staff members call for meetings regularly to revise the curriculum time after time.

5 . Work and undertakings of different committees

The academic staff of the faculty are busy in both theoretical and practical teaching. Besides of teaching the faculty member work in quality assurance, research, curriculum, exam and complains, cultural and E learning committees, considering all the norms, rules and regulation of the ministry of higher education. For the improvement of the faculty, the staff members take all the measures and initiatives, they are determined in cooperating the university administration.    

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